They Still Need Us – Help for Ukraine
Through Jetsunma’s pristine teachings on wisdom and compassion, we are taught and guided to help all sentient beings. Now is our time to do whatever possible to assist those in need.
Join the United Sikhs
Under the guidance of Her Eminence Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, KPC proudly supports the United Sikhs efforts to relieve the suffering of Ukrainians fleeing the violence and destruction of war.
Please join the United Sikhs at the Polish border to help supply urgently needed aide to those in desperate need.
United Sikhs Ukraine Relief Mission
Thanks to your generosity, Kunzang Palyul Choling, under the guidance of Her Eminence Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo, has been able to send urgently needed aid to groups on the ground in the Ukraine.
Current Effort: Relief For Ukraine
KPC is working with multiple groups to provide urgently needed food, medical, clothing, and other supplies. Please donate whatever you can.
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