Hundreds of Montgomery County families celebrate!
Thanks to you, our generous supporters, we were able to provide holiday food and hundreds of toys to our partners for distribution to local families in need.
Toy Drive, Holiday Hams & Pie!
Join us in bringing the joy of the holidays to those in need.
Help Us Help Them
Imagine your family being forced to flee your home and relocate to a new country due to poverty, war, famine, violence, persecution or other terrible suffering and arriving with little more than the clothes on your backs. You might not know anyone or even speak the language. You certainly wouldn’t have food, toiletries or anything to set up a home, and there isn’t much help available.
Buddhist Relief is on a roll!
KPC’s Buddhist Relief program is on a roll! We would love your support as we continue making a tangible and traceable impact in our communities that need it most.
Buddhist Relief and Networking with Others
When Buddhist Relief was first formed Jetsunma said: “Get out there. Set up visible networks. Make Buddhist Relief happen. Be seen. Be heard. We should be set up, not only as an information hub or clearinghouse online, but we should actually take phone calls, and get in a truck and go help someone who cries out for help.”
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