There's nothing more joyful...
Our Shepherd’s Table delivery was 890 pounds of dry goods and beautiful produce including carrots, onions, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, green peppers, zucchini and apples.
As part of Chef Christina’s special request this week we provided them with fresh jalapeños, crunchy taco shells, sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, and salsa to kick off their new Taco Tuesdays!
As we were putting food into the blue bins, one of the clients saw all the taco shells and asked if they were getting tacos. We said, ‘Yes! You’re having Taco Tuesday.’ He was very excited saying that, ‘that was the perfect food!’
There is nothing more joyful than seeing somebody’s face light up when they know that they’re going to get their favorite food. As Christina has said, “This is what KPC Buddhist Relief does for Shepherd’s Table.” The chefs hear what their clientele wants and they call KPC Buddhist Relief to help make it happen.
KPC Buddhist Relief is able to provide the assortment of foods that can transform basic foods into nurturing, warm, familiar favorites for all of their clientele.
Thank you for helping us to make it happen. Please consider becoming a Friend of Buddhist Relief.