KPC Buddhist Relief: Choice Pantry Drive!

KPC Buddhist Relief has become an essential partner for the Upcounty Hub by providing thousands of pounds of food each month to fill their Choice Pantry shelves. Over 200 families are able to 'shop’ at the Choice pantry and have the opportunity to choose some of their favorite cultural foods to cook with!

KPC Buddhist Relief provides 90% of the food staples for the pantry - but we need your help to keep going! 

We are launching our Choice Pantry Drive to raise $7,000 in two months, focusing our fundraising efforts on keeping this vital community resource thriving! Your donation not only helps those in need, but also helps: 

  • families dealing with sudden loss of employment and denial of SNAP renewal 

  • families of children with disabilities

  • instances of parental neglect

  • those lacking transportation

  • people who have been displaced by evictions, fires/floods/gas explosions

Please donate to this important cause today!


Whatever the Weather


Giving them a feeling of home...