Allowing all to thrive…Shepherd’s Table delivery

On our October 28 delivery to Shepherd’s Table, Yekta, Rudy, and Anne K. brought 698 pounds of fresh produce and dry goods. Our produce included onions, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, bell peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini. The dry goods consisted of coffee, creamer, oatmeal, ketchup, hot dog buns, BBQ sauce, white pepper, and a new addition for Chef Gary—panko breadcrumbs. We also brought a variety of beans, rice, corn, and vanilla pudding.

Rob and Mohamed helped Rudy unload, and even one of the security guards joined in, all the while admiring the fresh tomatoes and vegetables. They truly enjoy seeing the array of offerings we bring each week.

Chef Gary is teaching Shepherd’s Table’s chef students how to make meatballs using the panko breadcrumbs, and he’s loving the process.

With the fresh ingredients Jetsunma lovingly provides through KPC Buddhist Relief, she not only nurtures the meal guests but also feeds the creative spirit of the chefs we work with. Every meal is prepared with love and respect, allowing all to thrive.

Join us and become a part of KPC Buddhist Relief.


Warm Jacket Delivery to Bounty and Soul


Good Hearts at Miriam's Kitchen