Monday March 11th Delivery to Shepherd’s Table

We had a fun delivery at Shepherd's Table this week, offering 1288 lbs of produce and dry goods for their Daily Meals program. Check out the livestream recording on our Facebook page to see just one of the places your prayers and generous donations are going!

It was so joyful to see the Shepherd's Table crew happily lifting 100 pounds of fresh cauliflower, carrots, onions, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, and tomatoes into their blue bins, and over 100lbs of fresh organic meat from Jetsunma for the chefs.

One of the many things that is unique about KPC Buddhist Relief is that we ask what our partners need. At Shepherd’s Table, their chefs and staff give us their list. For the chefs, it might be an array of unusual spices so that they can provide culturally diverse meals for their clientele or food items that might be appropriate for cultural holidays. 

From the staff, requests for warm clothing and blankets in the winter months. We’re also connecting our partners, like the African Refugee community and Shepherd’s Table. We’re all helping each other interdependently.

Serving others opens us up to our own innate compassion. helping others to not just survive, but thrive. Please come join us and give!

Our Shepherd’s Table delivery for 3/11/24


100lbs Carrots 

100lbs Zucchini

100lbs Cabbage

100lbs Potatoes 

 50lbs Lettuce

100lbs Tomatoes

100lbs Cauliflower

100lbs Broccoli

100lbs Onions

15lbs Coffee

 Case Coffee creamer

 Case Hot sauce

 Case Salad dressing

 Cream of wheat

 Case Cold cereal (Honey Nut Cheerios & Raisin Bran) 

 Case Powdered drink mixes (lemonade, iced tea, koolaid)

 30lbs Sugar

 6dz  Eggs

 6 gal Milk

Case Honest juice 

 Case Breakfast sausage 

 Case Hot dog buns

 Bottled water


Three Hundred and Forty Four Families


Winter Sowing 101